Motivation in Parkour

Very interesting topic to discuss, in my opinion. Because each of us sooner or later reflect on the question «Why do I need all this?». Indeed, no motivation, we do not go to work, we do not learn, we do not exist. Each lesson, which we are interested in who we want to engage in, contribute to or distribute further has its own motivation, it is logical. Today, we Ilya Chernykh CHiB decided to take the courage and motivation to write options that are intended for practicing Parkour.

Introduction to developing a new youth movement.
In our world many hobbies: someone chooses a sport, other travel, any literature. In order to live in the rhythm and keep abreast of modern trends why not try? I think mainly to the «category» include middle-aged people who are not yet old, but young people do not call. To look more modern, so-called «to cut chip», they are trained to the more experienced tracers. Perhaps their long delay, and perhaps throw in the mind of its unpromising.

Another example could be searching for new friends and interesting people. Any activity for people and Parkour, in this case is no exception. Real-tracers in any company, you always meet someone who is not merely beautiful or tecnical moving, but very interesting man. Teams, I think, well established.

In healthy to healthy spirit.
There are people who need a shake or a positive mood. Among the wealthy people it could be yoga, but for those who exercise helps to keep himself in hand, to combat stress and increase self - discipline such as Parkour is more than enough.

Physical development.
Fitness - this glamor, which imposes America and Europe. For people who want to look good, Parkour - an ideal tool because of its specificity. In doing Parkour, the physical preparation of «natural», ie the muscles develop naturally, through loads of movement. Press, muscle arms, back - you can list a long time. Take a look at Daniel Ilabaca - its not a shred of excess volume of muscles - all his.

Look for another way to the city and its architecture
The immediate place for practicing Parkour is a city ... in most cases. Real-or at another new house at the times of Stalin's stock begins to perceive the surrounding things differently. Idea city very different - pick parapets, cross, various combinations of concrete and iron. The very movement across this beauty attracts, it has its own romance.

Get rid of the physical constraints of the city.
In every city you need to orient, to know where you are going not only on the map, but also to represent the terrain. Sometimes, the planned asphalt repair or restoration of the house forced to seek indirection, but doing Parkour, you can go straight, not looking beaten track. All that stands in the way you did not seem insurmountable, you can fly over the fence and you're afraid of heights less than if you do not own Parkour skills. It is useful to be able to get out of situations, spending less time on your walk.

Yes, sometimes the desire to show themselves - is disastrous for Parkour. This occurs when a discipline represents something significant, so - that's cool. On the other hand, the realization of their ideas, the transfer of its experiences to other treyseram much important for the development as a whole. The same writing articles and notes in this blog - a sort of my self. I like it, I want to write about Parkour more - I was attracted. And if people read, so interesting to them, then their view is similar to my and we can all discuss.
Show a means not only to show off. By placing your Parkour videos on the network, people share their achievements, their experiences - what they have achieved on its way. Perhaps, and this will be useful to someone.

Expand your possibilities
For some people, it is important to prove to yourself that you can that you are no worse than others and you are able to do more than you think. It is moving towards self-regulation of new goals and objectives of Parkour can be a great way to work on them. Also, his training can be positioned as something positive, then - what brings you pleasure and both benefit.

Opinion of tracer
Victor Klimov baklajan, St. Petersburg
Each has its own motivation tracer in Parkour. Some - this show, the other - a way of life. For me, it's rather a way of life. I do not have clearly defined objectives, I just do what I like. Parkur - it is a good way to keep yourself in shape, make new friends. Just Parkour - a fight with them to overcome fear. Rather, I have driven by the desire to self, because with every exercise, I become stronger not only physically but also morally. After some of the elements begin to truly appreciate life ;)

Work on the motivation you need. If it does not, there is no reason to continue classes. Everyone should understand what and why he was doing. Experiment with drawing up this list of dangerous, and I'm afraid to call the note of outrage among readers. But nevertheless, I do not impose their views, and express it the way I see. And what motivated you?

Author: Dmitry Shihanov
Contributor: Ilya Chernykh

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Wild Parkour - First book about Parkour

Wild Parkour

On 29 June it became known that the first book about Parkour«Wild Parkour» has been on sale on the shelves of book stores Yekaterinburg. Because, basically, information about Parkour is distributed primarily through the Internet, the idea of the author Serge Petrov about writing such material in an art form was not so monotonous as in the case of conventional publications, and stories about Parkour. Approximately 2 months prior to the release of the book Serge suggested Parkour community to participate in writing the piece and made a contest. To become a main character (s) of Parkour to the Wild on March 25 it was necessary to send an e-mail video Parkour performance elements, as well as a small story about yourself. After summarizing the existing book heroes are:

  • Nikita «ExiluSS» Meshkov (Moscow)
  • Igor «QWER-PK» Bekagaev (Gomel)
  • Anton Lanin (Ekaterinburg)

Those who get in the book, as characters, I could not, Serge Petrov proposed to publish a book of interesting sites Parkour-command and his promise kept. Incidentally, in the list and hit blog «Traceur in a big city». I note that no applications, I did not send, and my site was chosen solely at the request of the author's quote:

Do you have a good site - for example, you can make.

for that I say thank you very much, Sergey. List of references in the book is also known, can take a look:
  1. - command «Urban Spiders», in Orsk
  2. - command «Free Move», Ekaterinburg
  3. - Perm Federation Pakura
  4. - command «Obezbashenye» (a «n»), Ukraine, Simferopol
  5. - site treyserah Gomel, Belarus
  6. - Golovenko «Eglantt» Sergey, Kazakhstan, Alma-Ata
  8. - Parkour in Odessa
  9. - command «Red Leg», Moscow
  10. - Team Nizhny Tagil
  11. - command «SPA» (Semenov Parkour Association), Nizhny Novgorod region, Semenov
  12. - Community «One More Day»
  13. - «Treyser in a big city», St. Petersburg.
I do not know how soon the product get to St. Petersburg, but was even wondering about whom and what it tells, for PR books on the Internet was not feeble.
Smog excavated a small annotation

Parkur distributed on the planet at a speed of the Internet. Movies «13 district» and «Yamakasi» showed new possibilities for human self. Now, in every yard you can see the guys - hot tracers Parkour.
Today's treyser - a child of the city. His race - this race cvobodnogo rights away any obstacles and fears. He likes the same height and depth. Tracer loves jumping, and, because they give him a sense of mission, and running - because he is ahead of time.
But, sometimes, the treysera things go wrong, as it relied ...

We are waiting.
For its part, would like to add that the idea of the book in my head, too, came. But since the first book written about Parkour, and even published in the near future I will write the electronic version. I would write one chapter a month, but when I start writing it until I can not say exactly. But if you are going to monitor my blog, you'll learn about it first.

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The Holod - "Parkour" (Song)

The Holod - Very interesting and beautiful song about Parkour, by Michael "Holod" Golikov. Long wanted to put this track, but the words to the song was nowhere to download, but the cold did not touch in recent times. What could, then did. This is not the only Misha`s song about Parkour, the rest can be found in his blog.


Among the punks, rastamans, gansters and gothic
One of those to whom life did not need drugs
Among the flow of hundreds of thousands of fashion subcultures
I chose only one, and the name of it - Parkour

What does not give me rest the wind, you know,
When runing the city, and one somewhere in the memory
Flash past mistakes, where some of my plans
Leaving the past all the problems - I foment the flame

Suppose I run one, I know that I will support
My team, because we heart affixed expectations
No need to shoot in the new film clips and major,
I ask only one God of the new output

In an open space, because the answer to the questions
I turned my life into solid stripes of obstacles
And despite the fact that they admire,
Many come but few who can stay

Thousands arguments throwing for and against
Thousands of reasons to start and then it quit
Thousands of words throws down, but we quickly
Run as long as there is power, yet have enough time

Thousands arguments throwing for and against
Thousands of reasons to start and then it quit
Thousands of words throws down, but we quickly
Run as long as there is power, yet have enough time

Free spirit captures the body, there is no limit
My aspirations, achieve better - to the ideal
Run long enough time, the case for small,
And before you fly, I must learn to fall

Well, as long as the forums, we spend time in disputes
Rather than look at his life in new ways,
Try anything to change anything to do
To prove to the world of Parkour only the brave

And there are places of weakness, I raise the sail
There are places pity - because you are not a coward,
No rules here, that somewhere we have,
Here is a place a strong spirit of the soldiers, but the goal is not the glory of it

Among the crowd, finding the truth, faster shots,
Fly, finding new ways and ideas
These spark we move forward
I wish you all, that this was an endless flight

Thousands arguments throwing for and against
Thousands of reasons to start and then it quit
Thousands of words throws down, but we quickly
Run as long as there is power, yet have enough time

Thousands arguments throwing for and against
Thousands of reasons to start and then it quit
Thousands of words throws down, but we quickly
Run as long as there is power, yet have enough time

Format: mp3
Duration: 3:41
Size: 5Mb

Download for free song about Parkour

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Parkour - Music of the body

Proposed to publish the following article Arsenii "Heretic" Sermyagin, tracer from Moscow. Parkour Arsenii decided to compare with the music and get quite interesting. The author managed to draw attention to the problem of misperceptions Parkour, as the movement from point A to point B. The movement of Parkour must be bound, without unnecessary movements and even more so should not end after the next obstacle. For example, a musical melody you can understand this.

What is music? What is Parkour? As there is a set of sounds, known as music? Why exactly this set of sounds sounds beautiful falls on the ear, and no other? Why if people would just try to jump from a height of more, so give a pull at his hands in the performance of the element stronger, but that he will not be called Parkour? Why all people, regardless of nationality or status in society hero of classical music? Why Parkour attached to people, regardless of what color they are or how much they have money in the wallet? Because music and Parkour correspond man, his structure, his biorhythms, when listening to the same music, we literally overflow of energy, there is an insurmountable desire to dance, while others envelops us like a fog, raises, alert. So it is in no Parkour movements, not peculiar to man, right after classes Parkour people uniformly developed throughout his body and spirit stronger in Parkour involves all muscle groups, and will, the ability to overcome any obstacle, whether it is inside you, or in the world. And Parkour and music - of man.

Humans hear sounds around since ancient times, each sound has its own tone ... sounds can be mistaken for one. Then these people realized that these sounds can be put down the melody, which can be represented as a line. Then we began to lay the melody on each other, we found the most pleasant ear crossing lines, and, subsequently, the music emerged in the form of spheres - all good options for the intersection of direct ear. Thus, music can be represented as a sphere, which, in turn, corresponds to the structure of rights. Now transfer the pattern on the scope of Parkour. The man owns a set of basic body movements that we take for a (sound). These body movements tracer connects to elements - line (melody). Elements, in turn, are combined in bundles, and intersections of the best elements also form the sphere. These spheres: and Parkour, and the music, man has invented, not created ... He has opened for himself what is already there.
When we hear a familiar song on the radio, for example, that one can not help a little, nodding his head or foot knocks in time. Each line of every style, every single composer, leads us to a certain state, passes through the music of certain feelings. Under the hard rock would be strange to look like a ballet, and vice versa - a street fight by Tchaikovsky. Thus, the music, like our body movements, could carry a full range of feelings and emotions. As a composer and singer, and a boxer, dancer or tracer has its own unique style.
In my opinion, the approach of Parkour is very similar to the approach to jazz. In a jazz band all day to chase scale, play a simple classical pieces, and then they go on stage and improvises ... this is not a classic, this is jazz ... they express their feelings, changing and tasuya the knowledge that they have received at rehearsals. Tracer actively uses the experience of gymnastics, oriental arts, rock climbing, but, again, using their imagination. Tracer valid depending on the situation, its own capabilities and goals that it pursues.
If the stage will be guitarist otvratno not getting in rhythm, will join, but at the end of the skip, start playing something else, then no one knows the person does not appreciate the game of the guitarist, even if he brilliantly played the main part. The piece of music, one and inseparable. However, many admire, who saw something only a large radius after Manco ... and it does not matter that he mince with and run because of this, instead of two steps, it is run almost ten meters, which then landed on the full foot with the roar that sognul knees almost completely. Each element in Parkour must perform as a guitar chord - the body must play, run as a trickle.
The style of some «tracers» I can describe only by hardcore ... hardcore - bring something to the absurd, whether it is crazy, making the brain fixated music or killing jumps to huge heights, such Ket-lime, like tracer wants to beat the wall, and not cling to it. Naming smooth movement of people, rational and flowing as it turns ... not the language. This - not Parkour.

Author: Heretic Arsenii Sermyagin

Let's play music with our body, and not mad scamper through the railings and parapets in the streets!

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PRO something vs. something

In have a wonderful group called "PRO Parkour Against Competition". There, at the moment is 68 people and it is not a bad thing. The point is that this group brings together tracers one worldview Parkour «This Parkour against competition» and that is why its limited range of people, rather than thousands, as can be seen here. Condition in this group, I would like to share the thoughts of one of the Russian tracers about the word «PRO Parkour» and «Against Competition». To me, yes, and in the opinion of other participants in this story should draw the attention of all who care about the development of Parkour in Russia. 


Just to say that the article I'm not going to shed water and shout throughout the throat of all rubbish. I just tell the way I perceive the situation and that, in my opinion, is happening. 
The confrontation began a long time. I think from the very moment when the first followers Boll. People, especially men, are always striving to be better than someone, it is rooted in the genes. But Bell, or anyone else, he explained that Parkour and sports things are incompatible, as the style of each individual of tracer, and we can not say who the best. And like as it obeyed. As happened next, I do not know, but it is not important, only know that Foucan as «forbidden» competition in Freeruning, roughly the same reasons. 
But time passed and the number of their followers increased. Thus, increased and the number of opinions about Parkour and Freeruning. I do not know how in the world, but I know what is happening in Russia, and, starting from this picture, I will talk. 
It has long been more of us came from the west the picture with a green man and the inscription PRO parkour against competition. But as it did not hurt, well, there is. Then it started to enter the weight, but I am sure that most who have now is that the image on the avatars much more like a combination of PRO PARKOUR, as Against competition. And if they really want to fight, or against the competition, you need to act more ambitiously. A few pictures. Yes, our site also have the emblem Against, but it is supported and actions. We did not visit any activities related to competition in Parkour. Again, in our logo, there is no reference to the PRO. But it is all right, so be it. Still, this emblem after all has a real message, which, under the most sense. But, then came a new fashion =) 
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, meets! PRO FREERUN SUPPORTS COMPETITION. This is actually already bust. I do not know who coined it, but certainly not PRO. It is clear that this created, as opposed to Pro Parkour, but it is one dislocation. Founder Freeruning who? Foucan. So, go to his site, you can stumble upon the 
philosophy of Freeruning (and many of its existence did not know). So, there is quite clearly written that Freeruning against the competition. Well, and where the logic? Just so happens that the PRO FreeRun also against competition. Conclusion one. «Clever» in the country to spit on everything. 
Just want to touch a pair of standing issues related to human stupidity. Often you can see the words: «Yeah! David Bell said that does not Acro Parkour, but it twists! »Well? That's right! He does not tell you: «Do not twist Acro», but it only explains what it is. By your logic then it turns out that if you say: «Diving not snowboard» then people said this, if you will be diving, it begins to contradict itself? Never mind, does not it? 
Now again about Devid Belle and pro-commerce Parkour. Do not make good on a PC, and David Belle this violates the philosophy. So? So. Just let us now look at this with his hand. And so. YOU, an adult male. Do you have a wife, child, and you loved all his life devoted to the cause. Beauty? Yes, but there is one problem. For some reason, your family would like to: eat, dress, pay the bills, etc. etc. Option one. To earn money. But there is a problem. You left school some time in 15 years, and higher education you do not have too. What other options? Fire? I do not know how they are paid in France, but I think not very much. About! Exactly. We are engaged Parkour half of ours life ! Why not show Parkour in movies? More people know about it, and the family will fed.
Normal? Normal. That's all. Everything is simple.

Ярослав baRu Макаров

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Parkour - how to start?

how to parkourThe most frequent question among those people who are just beginning to engage in Parkour. In principle, the response of all three: to start training myself, training with experienced tracers or organization, or throw and not starting. The last option we have today will not affect, but the first two look in more detail. 
So Parkour - is the art of overcoming obstacles due to the physical skills of rights, which he acquires during life or training process, immediately after the consultation with the discipline. Remember to teach you, no one will be starting all of your future - this is the result of perceived your information from the Internet or a more experienced of tracers applied in practice. You can not teach Parkour, Parkour can be learned, based on the opinions and advice of those who engage in them a long time and are behind some experience. I'm not talking about myself specifically, I can do Parkour, but rely on my opinion, as not only correct - you appear to be their own, and understand what is Parkour, try for yourself. 

Where should you start? Start by getting acquainted with the history of Parkour and its definition. Agree to do what he did not mean stupid. Quite often I meet people who can not answer the simple question: «What is Parkour?» Lost or something to answer. The only thing I would like to point out that Parkour is not acrobatics. Yes, tracers using acrobatic elements, some of them prevail, but tracers their already difficult to identify. Parkour a powerful movement, which in most cases, used their hands and feet. A tumbling adds efficiency and grace in their actions, and also shows the level of your capabilities and possession of the body as a whole. 
If you start to engage in Parkour, without outside help, as I did not dive in the pool with his head. All shall be gradually from simple to more complex. My first training can be conducted at the school sports fields, some areas in the parks, etc. If the question «What to do-it» - refer to Parkour video, thank goodness for the internet that a lot of good. When viewing videos, you can understand how do this or that element, because visual information is perceived better than writing. 
Incidentally, the articles - are also worth reading. There are a lot of material on Parkour elements, you also can find online. Learn the terminology - it is one and is used worldwide. So you will be easier to navigate in the text when reading or communicating with the Parkour community. Workout for Parkour is not just cramming and development of technology-specific elements, as well as the development of reactions of coordination and endurance. This I write in a separate article. 
Take your physical education. People who have experience in martial arts, gymnastics, athletics or other sports activities that will be given easier - this is understandable. But people who previously did not have anything to do with sports is put into a schedule of their day morning warm-up and a set of power exercises such as push-ups, squatting, press, pull, run, or stretching. 
To achieve any success takes time. Do not upset, if you can not make the monkey jump to 2m or more from their seats. Every body is arranged in different ways, the ability to learn as well. We need will power and impact. 
Not a fact which is not capable of your body. This applies more to children and adolescents from 11 to 16 years. Your passion and attractive attitude is good only if it is rationally allocate their burden. Everyone wants to fly from the roof onto the roof, or that may be interested in staying in an abandoned building, and jump on the Old constructions. No, it teaches Parkour. You must have a head on their shoulders. For a year and a half cases of trauma to children above the age, increased sharply. They fall down on his neck, break arms, legs, you want? Therefore, please be patient. 
If you do lose, there are organizations and teams who share their experience and help newcomers in practice. In St. Petersburg - it On the site you will find detailed information about the training program. 
PKSPA arranges regular training in the sports hall. It all starts with a training unit for new users, further dividing the train through the system, you will engage with people with roughly the same experience. This allows the group to focus on the technology implementation of simple exercises, which are generally large prepare you to move to next level of complexity. 
Subtotal: You can start to engage themselves and learn all the elements of the Internet as of articles and a video of Parkour, to communicate with other tracers their city or their associations. If you prefer learning in conjunction with anyone on the Internet means that you can find the organization or team and will join their training and to learn from them.

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Parkour Creation - An open day

Parkour Creation - An open day

On Saturday, January 17, 2009, in Moscow took place the opening of the training program of the new organization experienced in Moscow treyserov Parkour Creation. Boom in front of the event in Moscow was great, and therefore want this event to dedicate to him a detailed review.

For institutions traditions «we are not late» already 17:45 pm in the center of the room south-west there was a crowd, even though it was only the beginning of 18:40! Together, this very crowd of about 150 people moved to 18:15 from the subway. We were walking on foot, had the benefit of people who know the way to the hall. Generally, you must pay to exercise, today, I saw probably the largest number of friends and acquaintances over the last season, as well as many of those who wanted to meet and talk. Malets lost in the crowd, I went and listened to talks about what people gathered in the head ... and settled suspicion. But more of that later.

The road from the subway to the room took nearly 20 minutes. In general, there is also a bus, but because of the size it was decided to walk. The building had once, and hit inside, no complications have arisen. Inside the confusion started small - someone immediately lomanul at the buffet, someone in the locker room, someone just myalsya among the crowd, as well as being nominated for the start time has not yet arrived. Gradually suit delayed, people falling onto the eye Organizers completing preparations for the seminar were zasvecheny couple blocks from the arsenal of equipment. Also I would like to note the presence at the seminar many acrobats, while the event was clearly the other way. The purpose of their visit remains a mystery to me =).

"There was a time of assignation, but obviously due to some problems with organization, people continued to stand in the hallway. 15 minutes later Alex Xcid Chigretsky and had invited all in the locker room. It was terribly close, as people, as I wrote earlier, it was nemereno. Pereodevshis, we climbed up to the door of the room. There was a delay.

When finally all admitted to the hall, the clock was about 19:30. Seeing the design, namely, goat, wood, timber, construction for akkurasi of the two logs and mats, and a trapezoidal cube cube increases, I clearly remembered the video from the floor, the British Academy of Parkour "
Parkour Generations", really was like. As usual, not without irony, since the introduction by the warm-up began. Warm up the long, careful, familiar to all those who attended earlier training Parkur seminars. I note that this time it was added exercise Push-up Frog, invented by Dmitry Shihanovym;). After all favorite push-ups until the elbows Alexei nicely hinted that he was all out a =) (generally, all the event was a bit theatrical).
At the hastily hang the screen, all took place and the light went out. Begins presentation of the video from St. Petersburg. Are closely watched, with interest.
And now, movie ended. Alex explained the features of the training program, and then what they will teach. The focus of the program, as I understand it, is not the standard training vaultam, but on the perception of the discipline of its foundations, which many miss. Namely, the coordination, physical training, a sense of feeling of space through sound. But for some reason it seemed to me that to understand this is not all. Announced time for questions. It began and frustration.

First, it turned out that the construction on that day will not be allowed because too many people, but safety is room for up to 50 people. This upset many, most expect that will poprygat after a heavy warm.

Secondly, the prices were quite high:
- 350 rubles for a single visit;
- 300 rubles per visit with purchase of ticket for a month;
- 250 rubles for the purchase of subscription for six months.

People did not expect such high prices, but this is understandable - Room for rent during the crisis case, to put it mildly, is not simple.

Then the question was raised on the street training, whether they will continue, and it turned out, that would be, but are also paid. This is having the people. At this time, the question was over, and with it the seminar. People are pulled out, many people were upset, as were expecting something else. It seemed to me that among the organizers came and left some misunderstanding ... In addition, many frustrated very high prices. In general, the idea of meaning and action can deliver solid top five. But the organization, perhaps on inexperience, alas podkachala = (.

But not so pessimistic, everything in our lives is changing, though, sometimes we do not notice. By the way on the train on the streets, for which Parkour Creation and to love: the posting of a video peryh team to have a
closed forum of The Tracers, Oleg "Red" Krasnyansky wrote:

Well done lads. What do you, where little practiced in Russia

What's true is true. Comments?

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Parkour Creation Team

Parkour Creation

I'll start with the background. The first time I saw guys in their first of 8 and 9 November, when they came to St. Petersburg with its series of seminars. Then, talking to Aleykseem Xcid Chigretskim we came to the conclusion that all of their team name can not be, because those exercises that were conducted before the new year were directed to share their knowledge and experience with treyserami different cities. Agreed that the guys who organized it all could have been referred to as «association», no more. With something you can agree, because they held seminars once a week, and before that have met every seven days to train together. On the other hand, it was a clear policy, because we can now confidently say that in Russia there is a new organization dedicated to the development and popularization of Parkour. 

Now, on the composition. By number of famous names, in my opinion, the brightest organization: 

Alexei Xcid Chigretsky (former team of Deviants) 
Michael Yahiko Serezhkin (former team of Deviants) 
Artem Temorf Moskovtsev (Ex-RFA) 
Michael Holod Golikov (article on Parkour, the music, the natural method) 
Konstantin Tabachnik (Ex-The Tracers) 
Cyril tovarish Martyanov 
Alexander Egorov Canabka 

These are what I saw in November. At the moment there is a change in the composition, for example Kostja Tabachnyk is neither a coach nor an organizer. Cyril tovarish too, you ask him why, I do not personally know. A Kanabka in the army, but as a participant of Parkour Creation team included:). What to say about the activities. All seminars were held without pathos, in accessible language, and a qualitative approach. Organizers listened to the comments of small parties and make its findings. After a good warm-up exercises were that useful in practice and can be used always, increasing their performance. Most of the entire training program is very similar to the Parkour Generations. This is seen as a very warm, and some of the technology team member. I used the word team? Yes, now they are. 
Before the new year was a resource on the Internet A quiet, he is filled with information on activities and plans of the organization. I do not know where the name was taken Parkour Creation, but Alexei Borisov Angel suggested the following. Holders of sneakers Kalenji can look under the tab and see the inscription on the label: «Creation». Who knows, maybe the love of comfortable footwear became the beginning of the road in Moscow treyserov in creating something new. 
St. Petersburg is not the only city where people come to their seminars. Before Peter, they had come to Tula, Tver, to conduct several training sessions in Moscow. Some of them were show on video and uploaded to the
channel Parkour Creation on As it turned out later, all of these workshops have been study for everyone, as each new practice in December, attracted more tracers. In the media, Parkur Kreeyshn same time to light up with a good  reportage for the Sports Channel (MSC)
Already in 2009, was declared an open day, which was to be presented at the training program and schedule of further training. In view of organizational activity overlaps deferred several times. As a result, it was held last Saturday, Jan. 17. The fact that there was, you know in the next post, which has prepared Oleg Crane Makhnev. Subscribe to RSS-feed, so as not to miss. 
At the time of writing the material know that Parkour Creation hold 3 trainings per week: two in the hall and one on the street. All the training paid and the price of one visit at 350 rubles. There is a system of subscriptions, but with this you had better read their own website The hall is located in the village Olimpiykoy at:  Art. Metro South West, pr.Olimpiyskoy Village, House 2. You can get the bus number 227 or walk, which takes 20 minutes.

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